Rootbeer & Clove-Infused CousCous

1 07 2011

I know that rootbeer pairs well with toasted sesame oil, so throw in a little clove and couscous and it should be fabulous right?      Ehh.

It turned out alright, but the flavors that the couscous didn’t BRING IT like I was hoping they would. And who wants to eat “alright” food.

The sweetness added to the pasta needed another sweet yet savory component. So instead,  I would recommend preparing Rootbeer-infused Butternut Squash Raviolis!

This recipe turned out delicious, and I would never have thought of it had I not tried and blundered up the couscous.  This just proves the worth of  trial and error of experimenting; it’s great to know what works well together, but also beneficial to know what’s not such a great combination.

Rootbeer-infused Butternut Squash Raviolis


Butternut Squash Raviolis (You can buy pre-packaged raviolis, or make your own.)

1 liter Root Beer

2 Tbsp Toasted Sesame Oil

Sesame seeds, toasted


Bring 1 liter of rootbeer to a boil. Add in butternut squash raviolis. Cook for 8 minutes or until raviolis pop to the surface. In a separate pan, heat up 2 Tbsp sesame oil and drop raviolis into the hot pan. Saute until raviolis get a slight crisp on the outside. Serve with toasted sesame seeds on top.

Conclusion: There’s nothing wrong with experimenting!



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